• Need a booth to engage with our amazing leaders? This is our base Women in DSO Empower & Grow exhibitor package. The package includes:

    - 6' Exhibit Table + 2 Chairs, Wastebasket, 8' wide Booth Space
    - 2 Complimentary Registrations

  • An upgraded exhibitor booth package for those wanting additional pre event media exposure, sponsor promotion and booth electricity included. The package includes:

    - 6' Exhibit Table + 2 Chairs, Wastebasket, 8' wide Booth Space
    - Choose your exhibit booth location - Choice order based on sponsorship package value, contract date, and available booths*
    - Standard Electrical power to the booth included
    - Included in the Sponsor Promotional (Image / Ad with URL Link) Emailed to all Attendees and featured on the WinDSO Empower & Grow website
    - Your Company Logo and URL Link included in one pre-event WinDSO Social Media / LinkedIn Post
    - Included in the Sponsor Directory with larger placement, including Your Company Logo, URL, and Contact Info
    - 2 Complimentary Registrations

  • Receive premium exposure and branding throughout E&G 2026 with a coveted speaking opportunity and session sponsorship, including pre-event promotions and premier logo placement.

    The package includes:

    - 1 Featured panel SPEAKING Opportunity during your sponsored session *placement depending on agenda & topics*
    - Opportunity to provide branded giveaways (sponsor provided)

    - Featured Story - Record a Video for the event and WinDSO will promote on Social Media / Member Bulletin / LinkedIn / Instagram prior to the event
    - 1 Dedicated pre-event WinDSO Social Media / LinkedIn Post with Your Company Logo, URL Link and company highlight
    - 1 Dedicated pre-event WinDSO Email blast with Your Company Logo, URL Link and company highlight
    Listed on the Agenda as the Session Sponsor
    Included in the Sponsor Promotional (Image / Ad with URL Link) Emailed to all Attendees and featured on the WinDSO Empower & Grow website
    - Your Company Logo with Premier Placement on the WinDSO Empower & Grow Website with link
    - Your Company Logo with Premier Placement on The On Site Thank you Sponsor Signage
    - Premier Placement in the Sponsor Directory or Event App, including Your Company Logo, URL, Contact Info and company information
    - 2 Complimentary Registrations
    - (No Table)

  • Since we launched last spring, The LEAD magazine has been a hit among DSO executives and aspiring leaders in the industry. Be bold and elevate both your brand and the industry by providing a print copy of the spring edition to each Empower & Grow attendee, AND shipped with your customized branded insert to up to 1,000 of your clients, prospects and partners. Promote your brand in a fresh new way that provides value, celebrates leadership, and elevates the entire industry. The package includes:

    - Your company recognized as primary sponsor of The LEAD
    - Full spread ad (two page) at front of The LEAD magazine
    - An invite to the exclusive Presidents invitational
    - Your company logo featured at the Friday Night Bash LEAD Release Party
    - A customized brand insert in each of the magazines mailed to up to 1,000 addresses of your choice.




Sponsorship Details, Payments, and Contract

Payment can be made by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) at the time of registration (a 4% processing fee will be added to your order) or you can be invoiced and the processing fee will be removed if you pay via Check or ACH. Invoice payments are due within 30 days of registration by check or ACH to guarantee your spot. Sponsor benefits will not be guaranteed until payment is received. Once payment has been received, a WinDSO team member will follow up to begin fulfilling your sponsor benefits.

A sponsorship contract will be required and sent after registration is completed.

*Unless previous arrangements have been made, payment is required prior to the event or on site setup will be denied


  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software